Intelligent LED kuratidza inoratidza kuruboshwe simba rebhatiri mamiriro uye muchina wekushanda maitiro, zvichibatsira kugadzira zvirinani kuchenesa chirongwa.
Patented Upper Handle inoshandisa iyo shoma kuedza dhizaini uye inosiya kushoma kushushikana paForearm tsandanyama, ichibvumira kwenguva yakareba vacuuming.
7PCS 2500mAh hombe inokwanisika Detachable lithium mabhatiri, akashongedzerwa neJIMMY 55% yakakwirira kunyatsoshanda mota, Maximum muchina wekushanda nguva inosvika makumi manomwe maminetsi.
H8 applies JIMMY’s latest patented horizontal cyclone design, reduces curves in dust cup air path, improves air speed and eliminates air path blockage.
Driven by JIMMY 110,000RPM 55% high efficiency brushless digital motor, H8 reaches 160AW suction power.
110000 RPM Digital Motor
55% High Efficiency
H8 applied JIMMY' s latest patented horizontal cyclone design, reduces curves in dust cup air path, which cause suction loss and big debris blockage. With JIMMY' s horizontal cyclone technology can greatly eliminate vacuum suction loss and debris blockage in dust cup.
JIMMY' s patented dual cyclone technology efficiently separates dust from air and reduces suction loss. Comparing to multi-cyclone, JIMMY' s dual cyclone causes less air resistance and makes vacuum more powerful.
JIMMY yakagadzira chiumbwa chekubatanidza pafloorhead, iyo inogona kudzivirira mhuka dzinovaraidza kana vhudzi remunhu kutenderedza brashiroll panguva yekuchenesa. Yakanakira kumba nemhuka dzinovaraidza.
7pcs 2500mAh yakakura simba lithium ine smart power management system, yakanyanya muchina nguva yekushanda inowana 60 maminetsi.
The flexible metal tube moves in different angle automaticallywhen cleaning different areas, able to clean under furniturewith less effort. It enables the floorhead to enter every kindsof low areas freely.
JIMMY floorhead load sensing tekinoroji inogona kuona akasiyana epasi mhando uye kugadzirisa muchina wekushanda simba kuti uwedzere hungwaru uye hunoshanda kuchenesa.
Kudzvanya kamwe chete kwebhatani kuburitsa huruva kapu
Convenient without getting your hands dirty
Washable sefa uye brushroll
Nyore kuchenesa uye yakasimba
Zviri nyore disassemble brushroll
Easy to disassemble and washable
Electric Mattress Musoro
Kubvisa guruva, pet hair uye guruva mite kubva pamubhedha uye sofa
2-in-1 Upholstery Chishandiso
For furniture surface
2-mu-1 Chekushandisa Chishandiso
Zvenzvimbo nhete
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