JIMMY H10 Pro uses a self-developed 600W high efficiency brushless digital motor, which generates 245AW of machine suction.
JIMMY's patented horizontal dual cyclone tekinoroji inoparadzanisa huruva kubva kumhepo uye inoderedza kurasikirwa nekuyamwa.
JIMMY H10 Pro has achieved a technological breakthrough, with a maximum use time of 90 minutes.
Iyo chubhu yesimbi inochinjika inogona kutenderedzwa 90 ° madhigirii kumusoro nekudzika.
JIMMY H10 Pro uses a self-developed 600W high efficiency brushless digital motor, which generates 245AW of machine suction, more quickly and thoroughly cleans the hair on the carpet, large and small debris, and dust in the floor gap.
JIMMY H10 Pro has achieved a technological breakthrough, with a maximum use time of 90 minutes.
In addition, the battery adopts a detachable design and can be charged separately, which greatly improves convenience.
JIMMY's patented horizontal dual cyclone tekinoroji inoparadzanisa huruva kubva kumhepo uye inoderedza kurasikirwa nekuyamwa, inogona kutora zvidimbu zvakakura uye inosvika 99.9% yeguruva rakatsetseka ichidzivirira kusvibiswa kwemhepo yechipiri.
It can clearly display the dust level of 4 different sizes particles.
Musoro webhurashi wepasi unouya ne6 mwenje we LED unovheneka otomatiki kana wabatidzwa.
Kugona kwekuchenesa kwenzvimbo dzine rima pasi pemubhedha, tafura, uye nzvimbo dzakamanikana inovandudzwa zvakanyanya, rega guruva murima risava nenzvimbo yekuvanda.
The LCD display screen shows remaining run time plus other real-time information such as power mode, dust concentration, error reminder to better control your cleaning.
JIMMY H10 Pro is equipped with voice system, can provide helpful reminders when you are cleaning.
In Auto mode, JIMMY H10 Pro can adjust the right suction level for more effective cleaning and longer runtime according to different dust levels and floor types.
Iyo chubhu yesimbi inochinjika inogona kutenderedzwa 90 ° madhigirii kumusoro nekudzika.
Nekuda kwekuchinjika uku, unogona kuchenesa nyore nyore nzvimbo dzese kunyanya dzakaoma-kusvika-kusvika nzvimbo dzakaderera pasina kupfugama kana squat, zvichiunza iwe nemhuri yako chiitiko chekuchenesa chisina basa kunyangwe chekuchenesa kwenguva refu.
Ergonomically design, easy to clean upper areas even with one hand.
Kufukidzwa kwakakwana kwezviitiko zvekuchenesa
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